
Natural Acne Treatments - Why Use Chemicals When Natural Is Best?

Publicado: 2013-03-31

No other skin condition can be as stressful as acne. If you have an acne problem, there are many ways by which you can treat it. Depending on your preference, there are acne medications and home remedies available. Unless you have an especially serious condition, however, home remedies are at least worth trying, as they are generally safe and simple to apply. We'll be sharing some of the most reliable acne remedies from around the world in this article.The foods you eat can significantly affect your skin. Some people are sensitive to certain foods, and this can sometimes cause outbreaks of acne. If you have a dairy allergy, you may need to avoid eating diary products. We all can benefit from cutting back or getting rid of unhealthy fats in our diet, particularly the trans fats. Junk and processed foods are where you'd find unhealthy fats so you naturally would want to avoid eating these. If your diet mostly consists of deep fried foods or fast foods, you're not doing your body and skin any favor, as these foods are high in unhealthy fats. Try to get into the habit of preparing healthier foods for yourself, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein and whole grains. Eating a healthy diet will certainly help your skin look healthier and even prevent acne. A variety of ailments can be treated by garlic, a widely used home remedy. When directly applied to the skin, garlic can be effective in treating acne. Garlic is a natural anti-bacterial agent. Mashed up garlic is best used for treating acne. You can use a food grinder or a mortar and pestle to mash up the garlic. Directly apply the garlic to the area where there is acne and leave the garlic there for several minutes. The only downside is that it has a strong odor, so you'll have to wash it off thoroughly. However, be careful not to scrub your face too hard when you wash it, as doing so will irritate your skin further.Don't be surprised, but toothpaste can be an effective home remedy for acne. If you use a gel toothpaste for your teeth, however, you will have to get the standard kind instead. The toothpaste shouldn't be a whitening toothpaste as well because this toothpaste would be too harsh on the skin. Ordinary white toothpaste, however, can be applied to your pimples and help them heal faster. Similar to facial masks, toothpaste can get rid of excess oils on the skin and clear it up. There are many different home remedies for acne, and the above are only some of the ones many people have successfully used. There is not one acne treatment that is effective for everyone. In treating your acne, you'll need to go through a trial-and-error process until you come upon the treatment that works for you. If your acne is mild to moderate, these home remedies may work for you. However, if your acne is severe, it's best if you go to a dermatologist.acne treatment reviews

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